
Continuous evaluation

Continuous assessment is practised from GRADE 1 / CP. Continuous assessment concerns all the student’s productions within the framework of their learning development.
Indeed, the new pedagogies refuse to isolate particular assessment sessions. This makes it possible to put the student in a position of continuous work, working to learn in the long term and not for a test at a given moment. With this method we see a regular investment and a relaxed attitude towards school work, leading to better results.

Assessments can be oral or written, be on paper or on screen. They may even involve presentations. We use everything that allows the child to express themselves and show their talents.

Classroom projects

They are carried out in groups in the classroom and outside the classroom when necessary.


They are given according to a day programme which will be given to you at the beginning of the year. The teacher will tell you how they work: where they are recorded, when they are given and when they must be returned. They may be assessed on specific criteria, including execution.

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